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Don Bosco Imphal

Discussion, Projects, Community, Thoughts, Experience, Memories




Brothers of Don Bosco Imphal.



The purpose of this group is to do something good for our school, to contribute positively to that breeding ground called Don Bosco,

which made us what we are today. The group also serves as a matrix that wires up and connects all the Bosconians since the birth of

Don Bosco, Imphal, in 1956.


Latest News 



Lunch for top ten students

Old students are sponsoring a lunch for top ten students of the school along with gifts. They will be accompanied by teachers and father.


Mentoring of weaker students

The past students are going to mentor the weak and poor students of their choice soon.Whoever wants to mentor can choose a child from a list prepared based on the income as well as his performance.


Jubilee activities

September 29th - interschool football

October 9th - Inter-school Carroms AND Inter-school Chess

October 21 - Day for Past Pupils

January 05 - Inter-club 5-man soccer



Read more at the Don Bosco group mail...



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