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on November 17, 2006 at 12:05:53 pm












Don Bosco High School


Brothers in arms of Don Bosco Imphal.


Getting wired !! Getting connected !! Bosconians are back !!


  • Purpose of this group is _to do something for our school_, an inclination to contribute positively to that breeding ground called Don Bosco, which made us what we are today. *


This group can also serve as a matrix that wires up and connects all the Bosconians since the birth of DBS Imphal in 1956. Let this be also a platform where the school can reach us,

so that they can reach us if they have any important announcement to be made, or in need of any help from the ex-students..... Moreover this should serve as a platform where are juniors can seek help and

guidance from the seniors, be it for jobs/higher-studies...


"The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton."

- Duke of Wellington



What is the objective and future of this group ??



Just to stay in touch and share some moments we have lived together?? NO!!


Certainly there are schools, and passouts from those schools stick to each other for their lives... Is it simply by exchaging mails and remembering days of the past? NO !!


  • They all have a common objective to do something for their school, an inclination to contribute positively to that breeding ground, which made them what they are today. Obviously these group of men, start with a very few numbers and grow year after year, and build an alumni. *


This will not happen in one day. It will take us time and lots of efforts. Let's think in these lines......our school does not have any official website. Can't each one of us contribute and help DON BOSCO to build its website, and hand it over to the school. This is just one idea, thousands of ideas will come up, if we really think for our school.


  • Let's keep this in mind, this group should keep us together and add more value to our lives... *


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