

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago
    • Dear DBS Wiki Maintainers, The old important mails are being updated, whenever time is available. - Ringo - 6:48 PM 12/4/2006




What is the objective and future of this group ?? Aug 28 '06

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Ringo Pebam

Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:45 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: What is the objective and future of this group ??


What is the objective and future of this group ??


Just to stay in touch and share some moments we have lived together??


Certainly there are schools, and passouts from those schools stick to each other for their lives... Is it simply by exchaging mails and remembering days of the past? NO !!!


They all have a common objective to do something for their school, an inclination to contribute positively to that breeding ground, which made them what they are today. Obviously these group on men, start with a very few numbers and grow year after year, and build an alumnui.


Recently BITS Pilani celebrated it in a great ways, as they do each year after year, and these alumnis come to their college where ever they are. This has not happened in one day. It took some time and lots of efforts. Let's take the example of BITS Pilani, because its also a private institute like ours, but what made it Pilani today is its students, and not the management.


Let's think in these lines......our school does not have any official website. Can't each one of us contribute and help DON BOSCO to build its website, and hand it over to the school. This is just one idea, thousands of ideas will come up, if we really think for our school.


Let's keep this in mind, this group should keep us together and add more value to our lives...


- Ringo






Re: What is the objective and future of this group ?? - Aug 28 '06

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of dominic mao

Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 4:24 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: What is the objective and future of this group ??


i totaly agree on the point that this group is not just to take walks down memory lane. we need to have proper objectives and goalls.


ringoo, the website for the school is a wonderful idea. however, i think before that we might want to get the school a broadband connection. and we keep paying for its subscription. once we inform the school of this, we can put forward the idea of them putting up a website. i mean, surely a past pupil who is a wizard in computers(i might be talking about you), can design it for them.


the only problem with the website being worked on before we provide an internet connection is: the present students, who this website will be most used by, wont be able to access the site if they are not connected to the internet. and it will be wonderful if they can access it from school. we can have conferences and stuff online.


just a suggestion. any undertaking decided will involve full participation from my side.







To Fr MC George/Fr Nebu Mathew/Oja Indi - Sept 02 '06

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Ringo Pebam **

Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 10:26 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: To Fr MC George/Fr Nebu Mathew/Oja Indi


Dear Fr MC George/Fr Nebu Mathew/Oja Indi,




We, the past pupils of Don Bosco have gathered here as a group via the internet.


*Purpose of this group is to help our alma mater.*


Fathers/Oja, you can reach out to us, speak to us through this group. We are still your students, you can treat us that way you used to.



    • Short Term Goals:


1. Any Ex-Boscinians who go home can pay a vist to the school and interact with the students by a talk session, where he can deliver ideas and experiences in the field of his expertise. If we can show them what is out there, what their future can be, what all they can do... If we can ignite the fire in them, they will surely burn the mid-night oil on their own. The urge will come from their within, that's most powerful.


2. To have internet connection if there is not. This needs to be discussed.


3. Implementation of Free and Open Source Software in our school. I will take care of this.




    • Long Term Goal:


1. To make a website of our school.


2. To help the poorest of the poor students, who cannot afford school fees or buy books.


3. To figure out a way to bring back the lost glory of Don Bosco Imphal - to be the best school in Manipur.


If you have any suggestions please do let us know. These are some ideas that have been running in our heads for quite some time now. I know it will take time to implement thoughts into action, but surely we have to do it.


Sincerely Yours,

Ringo Pebam

Class of '93-'94


2nd Sept '06







Re: Help - Sept 04 '06

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of george manamparampil

Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 11:13 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: Help


Hey, Guys,


I am happy to see the interest of all of you in getting back to this school - welcome! Alone, or with your wife and kids! Of course, not for classes, but to be back with your friends again, and with the teachers and the present generation of students.


In 2007 we complete 50 years since the foundation. It is the golden jubilee. I have swung from one extreme to the other when thinking of commemorating the jubilee. First I thought of a very grand celebration and a memorial building like an indoor stadium. Then I went to the other extreme of not wanting to do anything seeing the tough situation in Impha, the lack of enough fathers to look after anything, etc. Now I am thinking of a middle road! We will measure our commemoration accoring to the interest, support and encouragement from everyone, particualrly those who studied here in the past 50 years, the present teachers and students, etc.



    • My idea is this:


We could start on a small scale with a little function in March 2007 to start off the jubilee year. We will then try to have one or two or even three activities every month if we can find the support. If we manage to hold a lot of useful programmes throughout the year, we could have a grand bash in March 2008 where as many of the old students as possible could take part.


I know that large numbrs of our former students are outside Manipur. So it is not easy for them to actively orgnise and conduct programmes on ther own. Most of them may only be able to participate once - perhaps in the last great function. In the mean time, I would like each batch to take resposibility for organising one activity some time during the year. I am attaching a list of possible programmes. Those of you who are in Imphal could even be present personally to organise and conduct the activity. Those who are out could contribute financially and with ideas for the activity. The magnitude of each activity would depend on the amount the students of a batch can collect.


For example, In March we could have a volleyball tournament. Depending on the amount the group raises, we could invite to it only the three Don Bosco Schools of Imphal, or all the Don Bosco Schools of Manipur (9) or all the Ctholic schools of Imphal (8), or all the Catholic schools of Manipur (40) or all the Don Bosco schools of Dimapur province which is comprised of Manipur, Nagaland, Half of Assam and the whole of Arunachal Pradesh (some 35 schools).


Again, depending on the amount collected, the batch could sponsor only the prizes for that tournament, or, they could pay for the prizes as well as the food and lodging of the participants during the tournament, or, better still, pay for the prizes, for the food and lodging and for the travel of the participants from their instituion to Imphal and back.


The organising and conducting of the activity would be seen to by the present teachers and students, and those who ar ein Imphal and have the time to help out.


If many groups sponsor activities and we have a large number of them throughout the year, a grand celebration at the end of the year would be justified. We could in March 2008 put up a concert or an opera, etc.


I also have a desire to organise a conference on "Education in Manipur' as part of the celebrations, with the best intellectuals and educationists in Manipur and North East to make presentations - maybe some 30 of thenm in three days to be held in GM hall. All their talks could be put together and brought out as a book.


I also thought of another book - on our past pupils. We would ask each student to give us a photo - themselves as they are now or as they were while in school, alone, or with their parents, or with their wife and kids. We would also ask them to write something = may be pleasant memories of their school life, maybe anecdotes about their teachers, maybe about what they really learned at school, maybe what they studied and did after they left school and what they are doing at present, etc.


As long or as short as they want. But each contributor would pay for the printing of it. We would find our from a press how much a age would cost to print it in colour and the former student will pay per page. We will bring this out as a book.


I also thought of one Past Pupils Day where as many of the former student will come together for a programme, a meal, etc.


These are all ideas. Just ideas at the moment. They will remain as dreams if the response is weak. If the response is enthusiastic, you will not find us wanting. We will put in our energy and also some money to realise as many of these ideas as possible.


Get together with as many of your batchmates as possible, contact more of them, discuss the ideas, and if there is enough interest, choose one item in the attached document and get going!


Greetings to all of you. Let us make things happen!!!




Fr M C George



Why can't the science exhibition be brought back - Sept 05 '06

From: nilakantha.singh@... [mailto:nilakantha.singh@...]

Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 1:57 PM

To: Pebam, Ringo IN BLR SISL

Subject: Hello Ringo


Hi Ringo,


I have a doubt?


In our school, we stopped doing the Science Exebitions RIGHT???


May be it was because students didnt took the plateform in right spirit and probabily it was stoppped.


But If u see, Those were always in a good spirit and there was always a scientific thought moving around when the exibition was getting near.


I remember days when I went to poana bazar shops searching for permanant magnets to experiment something for the exibition. Though I failed to have the successful model that time, but still, the thrill and the urge to do something in that forum was something very good to see in a student life.


My Personal experience that time was ... I was searching for practical Books that gives experimental suggestions to make models. Infact people will laugh now..., I even tried to build an aeroplane made of wood with schooter engine. But later dropped..... :))))))


Actually the idea came from one book from our school library ... :))))))))).


So my great feeling says that we will try this tradition of Science exibitions back in our school with more inovative prizes.


Like Trip to B'lore and tour software companies to get student inspired ....etc ... what say. Anyway tickets we can send it from here .... ha ha ha ...




Thanks and Regards,








My nursery classes in Don Bosco School - Sept 13 '06 12:02 PM

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of dwipen_kh

Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:02 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: My nursery classes in Don Bosco School

My nursery classes in Don Bosco School


I have spent my whole childhood in my dear school Don Bosco. I had a divine journey in my life from nursery till class ten; almost unbelievable and unforgettable experiences with my dear school. Very few people have such a chance of having the honor to be a part of this institution. It's not only an institution where we are taught but and institution from where we have learned basics of life.


I still remember the first day of school. It was the first introduction of Sir Edwin as our class teacher for English. He was a smart guy with tough muscles and a spectacle on the tip of his nose.


I like the way he looked coz his very character demanded respect and discipline. The first day was full of excitement, some were crying some shouting and it was a chaos to see all the people in one room.


But with time we managed to know each other, learn to share, fight, help each other in need. The classroom had slowly changed into a room of enjoyment, where we come to share or enjoyment. We learned ABC together, sang songs together, had so much fun together.


The only thing that people were waiting was the school peon to come and ring the bell. As soon as they see the peon they will begin to keep their books inside their bags; sometimes the teacher will not let us keep the books inside and punish us by letting us go much after the bell has rung. Sad and disappointed we came out rushing and saying not to do like that again ourselves. All the guys were rushing to have a seat in the see-saw, some for buying eatables. In our time, we were allowed to step out of the gate during the break.


We used to go and eat khichri from the old aboks, some momos and god know what. In out time we also had hei-tup achar, Rambo-man, kang- hou, wafers, barap (50 paisa and 1 rupee), heimang etc. and many more. We used to put the heimang on the barap and lick it.


Our room was the adjacent room to staffs room. So whenever a teacher doesn't come into class, we try to be quiet so that no teacher comes in checking. We would then have fun together. We would have singing or dance sessions. Those who know songs were often called to perform at the front.I remember once instance when the class sub captain megha (Rajesh was captain) had to go through the broken window behind the class room that leads to the playground. He did so to fetch a ball that had been thrown away by mistake outside the room.


Everyone was excited and watching the door less any teacher comes in. we were cheering him. I like the first classroom of my life.


There was a picture of Jesus in every classroom just above the blackboard.


When I came to kg it was just a shift in third room from the first room. sir Edwin still was the class teacher. We had so much fun together. Drawing class, singing class…every moment was fun and we enjoyed it very much.

In class one we were shifted to the room just opposite to the bell and the see-saw. It was an added advantage as we could reach easily and faster from the rest of the class. The first time I had a good fren was when I was in class four.i was rather a timid guy who wants peace, always avoided fights.


And the journey continues…




for a greater reward - Sept 30 '06 11:34 AM

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of swasti charan

Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:34 AM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: for a greater reward


dear all,

i agree with Fr regarding the proposal of retaining the plaque for the 100 % attendance and the matric topper (Has this matric topper been started to be given to all matric rankers!)that way the award remains in its full sanctity.


we need not worry. the number of students wiining the award will increase with time. in my batch we had around 16 100% attendance and some of us got for consecutive 2 years. we later on found out that a friend of mind Deepak sahu got it for three consecutive years! Don Bosco i believe is in a cyclical trend. its nice to rise again and that way we taste the sweetness of being in the top school. lets be positive.


this attendace is also closely linked with the performance in the exams and life. it reflects the persistance of the winner.


all said and done, a bosconian will always rise! lets not pay all the attention in the matric results. it will come...it will come by itself, if we take care to groom better human beings who are of some benefit to the society.

when i treat my patients, nobody ever asked me what i got in matric, MBBS and MD! What does it matter to them. it is how you smile, touch and assure and ensure everything possible for them that matters. i am glad that this e-group is bubbling with thoughts and activity.


Happy Durga Puja to all the members.



!! Re: for a greater reward - Sept 30 '06 4:59 PM

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Balan

Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:59 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: for a greater reward


Hello Father, Oja Indi and all Alumnis,


Since its my first mail to the group (even though Ringo added me up a week or two back), I'll just go through a fast round of introduction.


I am Balan batch of 88 (as in matriculation exams but class X of 87) in the same batch as Basanta and Swasti of this same e-group. Iam now married and have a daughter of 2 yrs; settled at Bangalore working for an Indian company which does Enterprise Resource Planning consultancy.


When I was leaving Imphal for studies in Apr 88 along with 3 of my bacthmates (Apollo, Rajesh, Ratan) to seek entry to a Bangalore college, we were on board the same flight to Kolkatta (then Calcutta) with Father George. I think he was going to Delhi. We came out with lots of instilled morality thanks to the way of life (or school life rather) that the Bosconians were exposed to. Needless to say all of us got through in the institution that we had come to write entrance exams of. Few more Bosconians joined us through the same test. All of us did well in our pre university life and thereon. School life with Fr Job's Moral classes, Sir Swami and higher maths, Sir Prabhakar, Oja Indi's Heikru manada yomba marks, Oja Richards' history, Bro Sebastian's Badminton challenges, Oja Imocha's singing prowess, Oja Homendro, Oja Mohendro, Oja Deven(from earlier years) etc were always flashing


I had been following all the mails but I felt like writing today because of the foll 4 things.

1. Swasti, I also got 3 years consecutive 100% attendance plaques (class 8 to 10). Something I treasured for a long time until the recent years since I got lost into the job. I will have to fetch it from my Imphal home and get it displayed here and tell my daughter how I got it. :-) I remember going to school once in very high fever just so that I dont miss it.


2. This thing about awarding "the" plaque to the student who does well in the pre-selection exams. Since I was the person who originally gave the idea during the bangalore chapter meeting (orgnised by Ringo), I felt I might put in my bit. This orginated with the idea of giving something to treasure, or a thing of pride, or something which cannot be valuated in monetory terms. I remember that this plaque did that to me and to all the people that I knew who received them. Also the original idea was not to give the same plaque as the 100% attendance or the rank holder's one. I mooted it to be a different one (but possibly displaying the school emblem like the original plaque). The idea was to start a parallel award from the Alumni's side which is of equal pride to own.


I understand Father George's and others concern of losing the sancity of the original plaque. Maybe this is something we can work out later. So its best kept for future expansion plan of awards.


3. The awards idea orginated from Bangalore I believe and we had last discussed that we will go ahead and do something this year itself with the sole purpose that it be started. We also discussed that we will allow this to become an alumni thing. So enthusiatic replies of the awards are nice but I know its hard to organise such a thing. Ringo and a gang of old bosconians are already into it here at Bangalore and I suggest if you are going to contribute, you channelise it that way. Maybe we would need to open an account somewhere (some safe nationalised bank having SWIFT code and net banking facilities)

4. I was so sad to hear that Moral science, Personality Devleopment and GK classes were disbanded from one of Father's mails. The same mail did say that its slowly being brought back. Having those classes in the early years really does help. I have given the same "Instruction following test" many a times since I failed miserably in it in class X. Needless to say I have breezed through it each time.



Balan B.








Here is my take - Oct 03 '06

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of basanta rajkumar

Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 6:06 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Here is my take


Dear friends,


I would like to make a few points regarding the following:


1. Motivation

2. Awards

3. Personality Development


I beleive the whole issue is that there has been a decline in the general standard of the performance of the students of the school - academically or otherwise. If so, then what is the root cause of it, and what can we do to make a change for the better.


....I beleive it is important for us to know what we are doing, how we intend to do it and stay focussed on the issue at hand. So let me just run through what I beleive is happening, and correct me wherever and whenever possible...


As I was saying...

The root cause has been attributed to several factors including the prevailing socio-economic-political scenario of the state. Can we change the socio-economic-political scenario of the state? Debatable.Then what can we do in the prevailing situation?

One is to address the system, the society, the people, the culture... and make meaningful contributions so that a conducive atmosphere prevails for the students and indeed for the youth at large. This is where the initiatives started by Fr George comes into play - initiatives like starting the Education centers, mobile libraries, conducting seminars on such sensitive but vital issues like culture and people (KNOW YOUR PEOPLE, I beleive was the topic), etc. Here, the major role is to be played by those in the system, the politicians, the bureaucrats, the influential people and the school can only play a facilitating role. My suggestion here is - why not involve former students who are now in important places in the government, institutions, press, media and others walks of life? Why not invite them or other big shots who have kids in the school on "Special Interactive" sessions maybe on fortnightly/monthly basis, wherein such a person is made to interact in a free and frank manner with students of say class VIII - X. Let the guest speak on what he is doing in the government or whichever sphere of life he is involve in, how he can make a change, what his limitations are, what he expects from students like the ones sitting in front of him. And then let the students take over and shoot whatever questions they like. ( ...this is very important as most of us are fed up with our government, most of us don't know what the government is doing and we keep blaming the system for almost everything. ). This is different from inviting "Resource persons" who are experts in a particular subject and make t hem speak/discuss on the subject (which can also be done from time to time as well), because it would only mean an "academic" discussion, not a reality check.

The second thing would be, to focus on the school: do we have good/enough infrastructure? are we following modern/updated methods of imparting education? Do we have quality teachers/staff who the students see as role models?Are the extracurricular needs of the students beings looked after? Do we still have those moral science/personality classes? I beleive here also a lot has already been done.. like Fr mentioned that junior classes have been started, moral science has also been reintroduced etc..but I beleive a lot can be improved upon, especially the infrastructure of the school, admissions to the school, induction of teachers etc. By infrastructure I mean the quality of classrooms, the furniture, the blackboard/whiteboard, AV/Projector aids etc.Infrastructure would also mean the labs, library, computer room etc. Although its been ages since I last visited the school, I still beleived that during my time of the late 80's we had some of the best facilities. In fact we were the pioneers in new and innovative things - ours must be the first school to introduce computers way back in 1986-87 and I still can remember our computer classes which were done in the Administrative block in old building, where we did BASIC and COBOL and flowcharts...when good affluent families were not having TVs, we had a TV with VCR at school, and many good films were shown. Those were huge attractions. And they are important not because we enjoyed the films or the facilities, but deep down inside it made us feel that ours is the best school, that had all the failities even before other people think about it. Do students feel the same way now? From some of the photos I see in the database, the infrastructure, unfortunately seem to be in a pathetic state. The other aspect is the intake of students as well as teachers into the school. In my time, I still remember giving my entrance test to one of the Fathers ( I'm not able to recollect his name), way back in 1976 for entry to KG. Do we follow a strict regime to monitor what kind of students, from what background...enter the school. This is not to be considered as discrimination of any sort, but if one wants quality, one has to draw the line somewhere. Besides, such monitoring may also help in giving special/personal attention to those underpriviledged but meritorious students. The main criteria is merit. Similarly, how do we induct our teachers- do they attend any refresher courses, are they exposed to communication skills, delivery techniques, leadership qualitites, managerial skills, personnel management...because the way we want things to happen, only "teachers" who teach won't do. We need at least some with extraordinary qualities so that the students can look upto and admire. Here also my sugges tion is to start INHOUSE, i.e tap the resources of former students who are doing well in life, who can share their personal experience with the kids, what difficulty they faced and how they overcame them. Most of us expatriates also can tie up with the school authorities and have "Interactions" with the kids whenever we go home to Manipur. In our days we had hero worship of our elders in school. We were awed by the presence of our seniors like Sidhartha, Jayenta ...whom we want to emulate. May be todays kids can learn a thing or two from their seniors too.

Another aspect of inculcating the right kind of camaraderie among the students and also interaction of students with their families can be had from some of the things our batch tried. Our batch had the previledge of having a number of exceptional/very good talents. However, there were also the back benchers, the slow learners, the introverts.. We were also pained at the attitude of some of our seniors who seem to work in isolation like preparing for a scholarship, NTSE etc without informing his other equally talented batchmates, but who are not aware of such exams. So we made it a point that we all will form a group and will appear in all such exams and may the best man win. Secondly, for the matric, we, the better ones in studies form a group and we divide subjects among ourselves e.g me in A subject, Swasti in B subject and so on to specialise, and every week, we will gather at someones house and we will teach the others about that subject.For us it was a normal thing and we enjoyed it to the hilt also but for some of the laggers who benefit from such "House Discussion", it means a lot and I still remember a batchmate from Senapati who had tears swelled up in his eyes when I met him some 10 years after matric and said, " bhai, if it were not for those special discussions, and love from the family of those where we gathered each week leading up to matric, I would still be languishing..."

With respect to the Awards, I still beleive they are a huge motivating factor. As Balan mentioned, some of us even went to school with high fever just so that we can get that 100% award. By the way, I got two myself!! Back home kids in the family, neighbourhood, are still given examples of "...you kids make excuses of not going to school... look at that tamo he used to cry because he wanted to go to school " , I beleive it is the same story for all of us who got that award and even though during the course of life and career, most of us got many more awards, those from school are the most cherished ones and still adorn the front portion of the mantle. Besides, the idea of giving some incentive to students who does exceptionally well is also a good one. Here is my suggestion. I would like to sponsor a running tropy/award to be given every year to the student of Don Bosco who gets the highest marks i n Biology in Matric exams. The award will carry a trophy, a citation and Rs.1000 in cash/cheque. Similarly, some of our good friends may sponsor for other subjects/disciplines.


A little more on personality development some other time. I beleive I have written quite long for a day!!


Basanta Rajkumar





Reviving Bosconian Spirit Oct 09 '06 10:58 AM

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Kheda Sanjenbam

Sent: Monday, Oct 09 '06 10:58 AM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Reviving Bosconian Spirit



Dear Fr.George, Oja Indi and Bosconians


It's nice to be connected with you all. This is like going down the memory lanes...


I am Kheda Sanjenbam -'88 matric batch. I am currently working for GE Consumer Finance in Atlanta-USA.I am here on a 2-year business assignment. I will be returning back to Bangalore in May-07. I am married and we are expecting our first child soon. I sincerely hope I could make it for the upcoming Golden Jubilee.


Have gone through some of the mails from the group, I am quite charged up to share some of my thoughts:-) The ideas and the plans are just great and kudos to everyone who chipped in.


Fr, when I leook back I remember our school to be quite ENTHUSIASTIC, ENERGETIC, VIBRANT - that’s what differentiated our school from the rest. There was some LIFE in the school. You look forward to going to school everyday and that explains why lot of us earned the 100% attendance plaque:-). In general the students were enthu and active about everything-be it sports, debates, academics, exhibition, functions etc. Teachers and management were enthusiastic about bringing new concepts to the school- introducing computers class, library exams, preparatory test, and seminars on drug abuse etc. The senior juniors relationship and teacher student relationship were very cordial. So there was a strong positive energy /environment and the very youthful spirit on which the school was founded. And that has helped bosconians in the long run. All these would not have been possible without your vision and guidance. Apparently things have gone tough and the current environment has become more challenging imparting quality eeducation. But like everyone in the group, I am very positive that things will prevail again and bring back the spirit of bosconians with everyone's effort- especially with your new initiatives and leadership. I am already sensing it right here in the group.


The idea of lunch with some of the current students sounds quite promising and this could be used as a platform to interact with them and form the basis for solving some of the current challenges. Fr, I was thinking if this informal lunch could also become an opportunity for students to open up. Conversation could be around what motivates/demotivates them, their frustrations, their expectations, and school’s expectation from them. Generally talking about the school plans like the awards, alumni network, and life after matriculations, and different career options around the world. Basically being more inclusive rather than imposive thereby boosting their morale. May be this could lead and open up something...just a thought!!


Another thought is on the tactical side. I was wondering if some sort of session on "Handling the Examinations" by our teachers could be of help. The session could just be focused on the "dos and don’ts” in the examination-like what is expected in an answer, what examiners look for in an answer script, some typical /common errors that students make during examinations and so on. The idea is to make them "smart" and exercise some basic common sense while facing examinations. I feel this is also an art that leads to good score even if you don’t know everything about the subject. Again just another wild thought!!


There could be lot more. Will love to discuss as we go along and also share our experiences to bring in new ideas and concepts in probably redefining the education. We may probably have to measure our success beyond the matriculation results.


I do realize now that some of the things that we learn or follow in our profession, if applied in teachings could be of immense help in building the maturity and developing thinking process for the students. My take is why not experimenting a different way of teaching rather than the traditional way... Something to reflect upon collectively to bring about a change. This is also in line with Fr George initiatives in exploring different alternatives to hit the bulls’ eye….

As far the Golden Jubilee goes, our school definitely deserves a GRANDE celebration. This is a good time for all of us to give back. The idea of each batch sponsoring a program is not at all a bad idea. Each of us belonging to a particular batch should start working on it. This kind of coordination works best if we work by deadlines so that the planning and execution becomes easier. Based on our inputs, Fr.and Oja Indi will be able to zeroed-in on the activities.


Let me put a very crude plan so that everyone can put in his thoughts and refine it. Here’s what I plan to start with


1). Estimate how many alumni members we have in the group by batch. Discuss among the batch members and select a coordinator from each batch. The coordinator becomes the spokesperson for the batch.


2). Depending upon the number of people in each batch, the coordinators of the batches along with Fr. And Oja Indi discuss on the possible activities and their budgets.


3). Based on the above, everyone gets to know his share of contribution.


4). Work on the modalities of sending the contributions to Fr.George/ Oja Indi


5). Everyone gets the update of the “Celebration of the Year” with the photos and feels PROUD again to be a BOSCONIAN.


I am sure all these needs time, back and forth communications. So I suggest we start the process with the current number of alumni members we have today. If more joins later and is ready to contribute, we can all made adjustments at a later stage. And so Fr. if you can put a tentative due date around these points so as to prepare well in advance, it would be good. For all we know, 2007 will come sooner than we think!!






Re: Must read for Bosconians in B'lore - Oct 13 '06 9:07 PM

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Bijananda Chabungbam

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 9:07 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: Must read for Bosconians in B'lore ( was Re: lunch !)




Hi All,


I'm Bijananda, from '99 matric batch (Deepak(91) and Sameer(93)'s younger bro). I'm really glad (and proud) that finally, the ex-Bosconians are coming together and doing something for our old Alma Mater. We can achieve much and take our school back to its former glory. It's a long way but surely this is a start and we should all be trying to maintain the momentum. After all, we are Bosconians and nothing is impossible.


As such, I'd like to present a few suggestions which might help in achieving the objectives for this group, (without sounding too knowledgeable because I'm not. :-)


Now that the membership has come up to a considerable size (60 on last count) and still growing, I think it's time to convert this into a formal Alumni group/organization, with the blessings of the Fr. George, Ojha Indi and other patrons of Don Bosco, Imphal. This will help us in organizing events, implementing ideas and other endeavours in a more proffessional manner.


Going a little further, i suggest we form a core committee which will have representatives from both (ex-)students and the school's administrators/teachers. (I'll also prefer representatives from Parents' Association but unfortunately, I believe we don't have one. This is a different topic, though). The function of this core committee will basically involve a pivotal role in co-ordinating and implementing various endeavours taken by the group. I see manifold advantages in having a dedicated core team, some of which I'm listing below...



More efficient in Setting and achieving objectives and goals

Better co-ordination

More Efficient implementation of ideas/ organising events

Easy access by anyone who wants to join the alumni or who wants to contribute to the alumni

Better decision making

More transperancy

etc. etc


Since, many of us are quite busy (studying or working) and have other responsibilities, we can have different members in rotation (say, 5 members are selected every year/six months in a commitee of 15 - following the model of UN's security council). This way, everybody has a chance of active involvement and also, the pressures are not much to members of this core committee. (Later on, we can ve a President/Treasurer/etc but that's for future. Better if we start small and build up a strong foundation). As for meeting, the ideal way will be to ve face-to-face interactions but as this is not practical, i guess we 've to stick to mails and phone-calls.


Also, to increase awareness and have more people join the group, we can put out ads in local newspaper/internet sites like e-pao, etc on top of spreading the news through word of mouth.


I know this is a little ambitious and I know this is easier said than done especially as many of us are based on different cities and have other responsibilities. But I'm sure we can pull this off as all the members are showing sincerity and enthusiasm and since, we've to start somewhere.


Why I've come up with these suggestions is because I don't want "everyone to give ideas and noone to implement them" . There has to be a group of people feeling responsible to make things work. What I've given is just a general idea and it surely lacks the details and other nuances to really pull this off. I request other Da's and juniors to give their suggestions and ideas because I really want to have something lasting which will help our school and I see this as a great opportunity for just that.


Love and Best Regards,


Class of '99, DBS Imphal


P.S. By the way, Fr. George, can I be present for the lunch? :)




The Imas - Oct 27 '06 12:32 PM

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of basanta rajkumar

Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 12:32 PM

To: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com

Subject: The Imas



Dear friends,


Have been tracking the happenings regularly but unable to write as frequently. Good to read so much of enthusiasm and suggestions. Have been caught up in some important work. Anyway, one thing that I must comment upon here is about the imas. As most of us remember with fond memories, they are an integral part of our lives.


I still remember 3-4 occassions wherein they stepped in to help me out when I didn't know what else to do. In our time, the administration was extra strict on almost everything and anything said by the school administration was almost "final". One thing in particular was the minute details given to the school uniform. A missing badge, a loose tie, a dirty shirt/pant, a discoloured sock ( no matter how long your pant may be, it won't shield the dirty socks from the prying eyes!!) or an unpolished shoe...will either land you outside the gate, or a heavy dressing down from Oja Deben, (whose mere stare can make your pants wet...) a round of the school ground, or in the worst case scenario, sent home. We invariably invented ingenious ways of circumventing the rules like someone going up the stairs early after Assembly and throwing down the badge/tie from the first floor etc. But more often than not, you always land up being caught. The law of average had to catch up and one fine day it was my turn to be caught and I was made to stand outside the gate because my pant was dirty from the previous evenings football melee and I had no time to wash it, dry it, press it and make the crease stand out like a razor knife. I stood there with tears welling up my eyes, other students laughing and cracking jokes, calling names and I was searching for the biggest crack on the ground to plunge into and hide my shame. Then one of the imas came up to me, put a comforting arm around me, took me to the dukan, made me sip a cup of tea while they sent somebody to the leikai (just behind the new building) to find a pant for me. Some of the students are from there and in fact we have some batchmates from there too, but those days, we never used to visit each others homes and we almost didn't knew where exactly the other is from except like he is from Khurai, Singjamei, uripok etc. They found a pant which was a little big around the waist but they tied around a "thouri" and smiling broadly I went inside the campus again. When i came out after school hours, my dirty pant was all washed and pressed.


Regarding Fr George paying surprise visits to the dukan was no big deal. Even during our times, he used to come out while we were having snacks during break, went straight for the "mangan", take a handful, put some in his mouth and chewing savourly he would display his knowledge of manipuri, " Ima chak charaba..." and we all would burst in laughter...


Well, those were the days...


Basanta Rajkumar





Call to Arms - Nov 01 '06 6:13 AM

From: donbosco_imphal@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Purnachandra Sharma

Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 6:13 AM

To: Don Bosco High School

Subject: Call to Arms




What the heck have we been doing ? All I hear is wheels spinning in the wind. For crying out loud, the golden jubilee year is just 2 months away. Everyone seems to be throwing out ideas. That's good. But if you can't put legs on it, not gonna sponsor it or garner whatever's necessary for execution, I say "put it in cold storage for some other day". I brought up the idea of a student-teacher lunch and I have already handed over money to Oja Indi, since Fr. George was away, through my father (not flaunting, not flaunting - don't even say it). And I have signed up to sponsor, well in part, the debate & extempore speech competition - I mailed Fr. George directly and CC'ed Ringo. We need to marshal our resources, establish an executive body and draw a master plan. Do we know what we want ? What for ? Why and When do we do it ? What are our priorities ? This event comes after 50 years - do we want to wait another 50 years to get it right ? Fr. George sent out a doc listing events he has in mind. I didn't see anyone act on it. I have been operating in stealth mode as is my disposition emailing the appropriate folks directly but I just can't keep quiet now.


    • Here's what I suggests:


1. Establish a student's executive body (we don't have to wait for the heavy weights to take over): decide where's it to be HQ'ed - B'lore, Pune, North America or the tropical forest in Tanzania. This body should get the ball rolling till the real executive committee (read: heavy weights) take over. In any case, student members will be needed later. We need to present a plan, however rough to the high ranking alumni officials so that we draw their interests. You don't fuel up a rocket and say "Once I get to the moon, I'll figure out what I want to do"

2. Take hold of the opportunity to have a discussion face-to-face with Fr. George in B'lore on Dec 10. Us, folks, in North America will call in to truthly make it global. WE CAN'T MISS THIS. This is our launch pad. Take meeting notes.

3. Establish a masterplan, guidelines, mission objectives, an overall schedule of events, hierarchy of command and control.


4. Ask ourselves what do we want to do ? Why ? What's the benefit ? Do we have the resources ? When ? How do we execute/implement it ? Who would lead it ?


5. How do we document answers to the above to track changes and progress ? MS Word Excel ? MS Project or something else ? (sorry Ringo for not suggesting open source apps) Who would own and maintain it ?


6. What our protocol for communication - distributed as we are across the global ? I can attend the B'lore meetings as would the other folks in US, I am sure. All we need is a cell phone/laptop, a closed room so that we can hear - not garbled by noise in the streets or traffic.


7. How do we set up the real Executive committee of heavy weights with student members ? What's our criteria for membership ? covering the spectrum of society ? folks across diff careers ? How do we approach them ? How do we sustain their interest for a year ? Would it be rolling membership and chairmanship ?

8. Would we have the necessary hands in the trenches in Imphal to carry out the day-to-day tasks and running on the ground ? Do we assign responsibilities to the class IX, X and VIII students as well to help out ? How do we relay progress and issues ? How we do we co-ordinate the responsibilities and tasks across the globe ?


9. Should we have a batch assigned to each month to execute the events ? I don't think it's a good idea since the membership in this group varies from batch to batch (where on earth are my batchmates of 1992 ? Shame on you guys!) or do we elect a fixed no. of students to do the running on the ground as directed by the executive body month-to-month ? I will be home early next year. Tell me what I can do.


10. What're our short-term and long-term goals ? What're the priorities ?


12. How do we raise the money that'd be needed for the events ? What's our estimation for each event ? Is it feasible ?


13. What do the alumni do besides organizing the events ? Do we provide career guidance ? Go and face the students and share our experiences, mistakes we made ? about substance abuse and adolescent issues ?


That's it for the moment to get started with. We need sponsors. We need us to step up to the plate. Personally, I'd like to finance more events but the fact is I am saving for a self-sustaining scholarship that I promised myself. I am already a year late in implementing it. In any case, like I said, I am going to sponsor the debate and extempore speech but I'd need help from all. Don't say I am not a team-player - if I have to walk alone, I will do it, believe me.


I know I am being blunt and restless here. But I really hate inefficiency and unproductiveness. You should be glad I don't work with you in a corp. From now on, I will be calling anyone I think can help left, right and center. Better change your cell#'s if you wanna dodge.


Since at the moment, we seem to be HQ'red in B'lore by default - tell me what I should do.


Take a look at the doc that Fr. George mailed and use that as a point of entry. I already have - hence the debate and sports activities. Consider this as our MARCHING ORDER. (not that am proclaiming myself field marshal here). If I have to take orders from my junior, Ringo or anyone, I am ready.


From hereon, if anyone says anything that he doesn't have a plan to implement, I can't shut you up but I certainly am going to shout you down.


Our first Deadline: Nov 15 - discuss and propose activities/events from and outside Fr. George list and a rough cost estimation.


Thanks for listening to my yellings if you made it this far.


~ Purna

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